This makes me feel good hmm~

This makes me feel good hmm~, originally uploaded by Cream Iyaki.

Could it be true?
Well... who knows!

Spring Cleaning Surprise

Spring Cleaning Surprise

A chipmunk got her new home during winter time but surprised little green fairies on the Spring cleaning day!

작은 다람쥐는 겨울동안 있을 새 집을 찾았지만, 초록 요정들의 봄대청소 날 요정들을 깜짝 놀라게 했어요!

Figure Painting: untitled

Figure painting

I've always loved doing figure paintings. I liked to capture the characters' right moments, even just few seconds when people are revealing their desires, mood and personalities. Today's model had that attitude of the elegance and lofty air and I loved it. She was great model.

used Pastel for 2hrs on the blue pastel paper

10 Face Expression Study

Face Expression Study

I made this one <10> for OC illustrator's meeting assignment. I picked 10 of my face drawings and colored them with Painter X Digital water color brush(Simple Water). Painter is very fun and lots of brushes and textures to explore.